Saturday, December 14, 2013

Kicking Around Today

After facilitating the last Creative Writers's meeting for the Fall Season at the library in town today, I picked up mail, and stopped in at one of the fabric stores in town. Tomorrow is the big cookie cutout bake, and tonight is movie & popcorn night. Once I got home, I just couldn't get re-started on my current quilting projects.

It takes courage to live a life of spontaneity, and almost avoid the self-imposed concepts of should. I should do this. I must do this. Now. I know that its healthier for me to walk the path of choice. Time is part of the gift of life, and its all I ever want more of...

There was a couple entering the fabric store as I was leaving it. Before moving to this small town, I would have hurried on my way. This day, I stopped to chat. They were from a town almost two hours north of Tehachapi. 

My gray hair is a real change for me. It used to be so thick and quite curly. And long. Clearly, it is one of the qualifiers for my status as an elder, and as you can see, its cut in a non-traditional way. Elder is as elder does, or so some saying goes.

People chat with me much more easily than when I was younger. Its got to be the gray.

The guy clearly came with his wife to the store, and was very prepared to be bored. Yet, in no time, he told me of all her accomplishments and bragged how many very good sewing machines he bought for her over the years. 

He told me that they had one 43-year-old son and no grandchildren. She told me the holidays were always silent for them now. He told me where they had worked, where they had lived, and what they were doing in town. She said she was the kid during the holidays and didn't mind buying presents for herself. He smiled, and then he looked at her with the kind of love most people hope to see in someone's eyes.

I told them I was delighted with our conversation and hoped they would visit Tehachapi again. I told them it was a great place to live. 

All this standing in the entry way of the store without ever exchanging names. We left each other feeling somehow connected to the spirit of the season.

My purchase was a pattern for a retro apron I want to make for my eldest Granddaughter. Its such a cute thing for a very cute grrrlie-grrl. And my fabric stash is just begging me to use it up. I learned from the other aprons I made earlier that I NEED this pattern. 

Today was a good day. Monday is soon enough to quilt again. Or Tuesday.

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