Sunday, September 9, 2018

Step 2 - Flying Geese

The pattern doesn't say how many geese were needed, but eventually, I got it that the number was 40.

I am not thrilled with pointy things. That being said, the real challenge was the machine. Tension was mucked. I changed it number by number and it still was loose on the bottom. So I took the machine apart, cleaned it, and re-threaded both top and bottom. The first 8 I made needed reinforcing, which I did. 

And now there are 4 of the 40 I want to re-do the points on. 

Other Sorceresses that came to mind today were Milesandra & Cerce from Game of Thrones. Both characters screw up, few people really like them and both do beyond-crazy things on the show. I thought about the archetype and how story lines need a powerful crazy woman. For them, it is about power, and so they are driven to their actions by this need. Both are loosing power and being replaced.

Then I wondered about that part; being replaced. Is this key? Again not for me. Not the need for power, not being replaced. I am still thinking over my bones.

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