Saturday, August 4, 2018

Quilting Accidents

Yes. Yes it is true. Quilting accidents happen. Someone said I was moving too fast. But I wasn't.

This pic is blurry and that is the way it is. I am halted in the work because these two injured fingers make it hard. Yes it is my non-dominate hand. There is a medical numbering so the index finger is #2; middle finger is #3. 

What happened is that I got a cardboard cut (like a paper cut) on #3 on the inside of the first joint (DIP). I pulled out the box holding a non-working machine to use it to figure out how to get my working machine functional again.

I also admit to wondering how the heck anyone could catch their finger by a moving needle. Well, the dog feet part wasn't working so I was pushing fabric through and the next thing I knew, the needel caught my finger and broke when I pulled it back from the motion. That was finger #2 on the outside just above the DIP joint.

I have first aid bandages and that blood barrier piece. However when you are both the patient and the doctor, confusion sets in with the pain. All the stuff was in a first aid bag but unopened & in the original boxes. I had to rip into it while trying to stop the bleeding and pain before I had the medical tools in the kit.

Today, the pain is gone. The fingers remain covered. I am donating one of the machines & plan to look at making a new purchase. I admit to not wanting to buy another machine until this one stops functioning completely. So many lessons here about who I am, how I value what I do, and also huge on that list is not wanting to believe that anything manufactured in our culture is throw-away. I fixed this machine, yet again, but at what cost? Two fingers injured. I can do the machine quilting the way it is, but it will no longer do simple stitching. Gahhh

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