I jumped right in when I got home from my trip and made those great Friendship Star blocks. Got three packages sent this morning; among which were the 6" block swap and the other Handmade Gift swap.
I had promised my #3 Granddaughter to make and send recipe templates to her other Grandmother, as well as fill some out myself. That took me time to find and print what I liked. I did find four templates, then went out and bought some tabs and a 3-ring binder for her new family cookbook. I know she'll love it.
The next project I want to work on is the BOM that my local quilting friend & I just started. I am doing mine in B&W and so laid out the strips and pieces of scraps. This BOM is not coming out as one per month but is a bit more frequent and somewhat random. My friend is working on #2 and I want to cut #4 & #5 out this weekend. We are meeting on Wednesday to talk about how its working & share our results. HOWEVER, this is as far as I got. Laid out on my ironing board and going no where tonight.
Its not fear of quilting that holds me up. I believe that quilting is worth doing and that belief helps create the quilts I make.
I am bone weary from the trip. Weary into my heart for having to leave the darlings in my life who live 2000 miles away from me; Weary also from my thoughts that resist the changes in who they are, who I am; and more, Weary from what I saw in the environment as I flew across the country.
Its so big, change. Even when we fail to notice the gradual ones in the mirrors or the obvious ones during droughts or floods. And although I know that I am responsible for my part, for my small part in the world, I also know I have a part to play.
All risks or changes do not end in devastation or losses.
That's what those little rippers are to a quilter. Whether we are quilters or just living in this great big, beautiful World, we have built-in abilities to do it over, to try again, to keep going, and to pick up the myriad of pieces, making something really wonderful from them. THIS is one of the best reasons I know to quilt.
Its not about fear. Not really.