Friday, April 20, 2018

#2 Jelly Roll

There are 2 colors of each shade in the jelly rolls I selected, so the first piecing was to join the strips of the same shade. Next was to join shade pairs 1&2 to 3&4; 5&6 to 7&8; 9&10 to 11&12 until the end row of 21. Then each 4-row sections get joined, the 8-rows, and finally the entire jelly roll is connected. Each joining got pressed before adding the next one.

It is my thought to do the second jelly roll into the long part and set it aside to work on other projects. How many times I have to confess I have not returned to Round 4 of the Medallion quilt is a mystery. Oh wait. It IS a mystery.

I know I keep putting other projects in front of it, and I have no idea why it has become a UFO. I keep saying I am determined to work on it and then look at it, turn it over in my hand and put it back in the bin. Every night as I put things away, I promise myself that I will do it in the morning. Morning comes and I find something else.

Along with errands in town, I am doing the second jelly roll, with absolutely no plan to do Round 4. This is honest.

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