Thursday, August 17, 2017

A Lesson Waiting to be Learned

As I quilted the first seam, of course when I got to the end of it, turned it over and found several wrinkles on the back. I ripped that line out and decided upon a different course of action. Much to my displeasure, it wrinkled yet again. The stress became so great that I could not return to the project.

Thing is, the stress factor was more than I thought would happen and whatever it was made me feel like not quilting.

Then the thought came to me that there must be a lesson about wrinkles that I am resisting. I hate this selfie but it is my reality, wrinkles and all. Not only do I see them spreading like that 'roadmap of my life' over my face, they are suddenly appearing on the backside of quilts! What's up with that? Now? After all these years of quilting there are wrinkles? I looked up the word and found this: wrinkle
1. line or an arrangement made by the doubling of one part over another:
2. An indentation or seam on the skin, especially on the face:
3. Informal. clever, unexpected new trick or method:
Informal: kicker
Slang: anglekick
To make irregular folds in, especially by pressing or twisting:

What I wonder most is about the metaphysical impact of any cause when all I can see is the effect. A major part of this blog was set in place for me to learn spiritual lessons through my quilting. Well, here is one. Wrinkles. And I am not sure how to wrap my head around it.

Practically speaking, I decided to pin where I planned to stitch to keep it in place. Yet, the act of pinning was also too much. It seemed that I was trying to strong-arm it through the issue or problem. I thought about clamps because the two quilts this happened to both hung over the tables and might not have had the back tight enough. Practical possibilities.

However, that is not what the greater meaning was all about. The words that define WRINKLES are quite rich in meaning themselves. If I am ever going to accept what is happening on my face, perhaps the informal definition is key; words like kicker for instance. Isn't that a kicker? might be a better thing to say to my reflection in the mirror and to the quilt line on back.

Ah well, the roadmap to my life is there, and the only thing to do about it is called Radical Acceptance. However, those wrinkles on back of the quilt are a different story.

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