Its been two years now since I set aside the robes of Priestess and only recently have donned the cape of the Crone. Where the Priestess served by action, standing in the center of the circle, the Crone must become translucent so that her experience in the solitary depths shines through. It is the stage where a woman begins to release the things that no longer serve her energy and interest. It means a true examination of who I am.
Quilting is a very solitary past time and I wonder if I chose it or the divine within chose me.
Several years ago, there was a quilting blog and tutorial called "Aiming for Accuracy". I wasn't at the stage in my quilting where I could participate in it, but the title of it stuck. Seventeen lessons are available for purchase and there is still a lot of information to be had by following the links on that site. Each lesson contributed to part of the finished quilt.
I've been working on several quilt block swaps. There are two for the Maple Leaf, one Christmas block, two 6" Churn Dash, and one bright/white. It does feel like I am doing the work as above but learning lessons out of that need for accuracy. Each of my partners wants a specific block with specific color. What I learn from it is how to work with those different requirements to get accurate seams and an accurate finish.
What I get in exchange are blocks for a quilt I need to assemble and finish. The variety of their fabrics and techniques is astonishing. My role as quilt-maker is to take what my partners from around the world have sent and transform them into a work of art. It feels like not being the mistress of my fate. I don't have to know what I am doing. I am excited to see what will happen because I did release control by giving my partners the option to create any block of their choice.
2016 will be a pivotal year in my quilting because I will meet my goal of making a quilt for every family member. Of course, as the Grandkids grow up, they will partner and perhaps start having families. AND I still have those 'bird quilts' for the Grandkids similar to this one I made my Sister. They need to be basted and quilted. The embroidery is finished on them and they are quite simple. This is the quilt project that started my work.
Every time I make a block or a quilt and ship it off, it is an act of releasing as well as paring down my stash. Each time I let go of a piece of art that I've spent so much time and energy in, I think I am being prepared to release more important things or people in my life.
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