Sunday, January 26, 2014

Jan. Doll Quilt Swap came

I picked up the mail last night and found two lovely handmade items in it. One was from my January Doll Quilt Swap partner Lee. The other was from my Niece Lisa.

The theme for the January swap was to "Try Something New" and she pushed her comfort with this one, so she said. She worked with black quilting thread, and primary colors. Her miniature piecing turned out amazing! I've been looking at it ever since taking it from the packing and its so sweet! The pinwheels are fun and look like they are in motion. 

The second package from Lisa held a hand made 'low infinity' scarf she said was for these cold California nights...I've had it on since waking this morning because its mighty cold in the mornings too. As you can tell in this 'selfy' it covers the part of one's neck and throat area that is always cold (at least on me). It lays beautifully and takes the edge off the morning chill. Its going to be a constant companion.

I am most grateful to both Lee and Lisa for the time and energy they put into these lovely works of art. Being on the receiving end of such gifts warms my heart.

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