Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Someone once advised me not to get so busy that I forget to be happy. My happiness is often found in little events of my day that are whispered so quietly they could be overlooked. I think this is one reason why I keep my rooms so silent from airwaves. I love to hear my soul thinking and feeling. 

As I look at my list in the sidebar for "Making Christmas / Winter Solstice", I realize that I didn't do much to prioritize what I wanted to complete. I tend to move from project to project as my mind thinks about them. 

Already, some of the easier, smaller projects have been completed. 

My Mother's bday gift needs to ship out soon to get there for her party and so I worked on it and finished it last night. Mother drinks water in her apartment and has coffee in the dining room for meals. I bought the cup here in town and love the look of a morning rooster.

This is the back of the mug rug because I made a matching one for my Secret Santa and want it to be a little bit of a secret for her. This is the fabric I won as a door prize this weekend. It really turned out cute. 

The green batik bled a lot when I pre-washed it, so much so that I was concerned it would lose its color and not coordinate with the Moda fabric. It dulled a bit, but is fine.

My life can either diminish or be enhanced by the hot water I get into too. And like fabric that has to dry out, I can't always see the results until I've evolved and then take a look back. Usually, even the smallest of experiences enhance my beingness.

Its a wonder that I can love the projects I complete and be so very pleased in how they turn out. Through them, I recognize that I am creative, that I am learning this art and that being where I am with my skills is perfect. That realization made me wonder if or how much I see myself as lovable and worthy of praise.

At my age, I would have thought all the answers would have been handed to me by now. Yet, here I am seeking, working, living, seeking some more and listening. 

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