Someone once said that what comes from the heart touches the heart. I created a theme with my quilts for the year that said be the love you seek. In both cases, it is about creating from the heart, giving from the heart and receiving from the heart. While I cannot control what others do, it is still my responsibility to be true to these values.
I did get into the clubhouse and was able to baste the Peppermint Kisses, and the Heart of the Piano quilts.
My photos come from my phone. Everyone says these pics are so wonderful. Well, with my essential tremors, my hand shakes so much and I cannot see what is in the small screen.
I am just figuring out how to send them to my email and plan to go into AT&T again to see if there is a way to send them to the blog. Neither of these photos are clear, and some of the other ones I took might be. HOWEVER, following along with electronic challenges for the summer, the IMac is over-heating, locking up and a replacement has been ordered.
Now, for that replacement, I decided to order a SmartTV which means...something...what I am not sure. I think I can set it up as a WIFI to receive things I use like You Tube, Hulu, and Crackle. What I don't know is if it will work with Google to get the blog or emails, or Swap-bot to keep doing the swaps, or find the History Channel to watch The Vikings. What I know is that this has to be replaced even though it might sit on the desk as a back-up.
I am in a phase for personal growth and am here for the ride. Eeehah!
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