Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Holiday Fabrics

Well, I couldn't let it rest.

I had to gather fabrics for the large block pattern I found in the images for large block quilts. It shows the layout and the cuts. It says that each of the fabrics is one yard, so that's what I pulled. and seem to have good contrast as well as coordinating the fabrics and colors. The top fabric is primarily green and that pulls from all the others. 

I tried red and it simply didn't work. When I look at the colors against this wheel, I understand why the blues and the green work. They simply flow together. 

I haven't cut them yet and started looking through the bin to make sure this selection is what I want for another holiday quilt. I like it, but there are a lot of other choices too.

And as for using up those fabrics, well, lets see how this one goes and if it is successful, I will try it again.

What I did do was to pull out the scraps from the holiday bin, trimming them to 2" strips and 2.5" strips. This was the start. I strip pieced them all first and then cut them to 12.5", joined again and again until I could cut 12.5" blocks. These are going together randomly and then will be laid out like a rail fence, alternating directions up and down with sideways. These will become a back for a holiday quilt. I will work with this bin for a little while to thin out the stash of it all.

This thing about not resting. I keep hearing a couple of lines in a song by Carly Simon going on my head; "I haven't got time for the pain, I haven't got room for the pain." I don't know the rest of the words, but think it was some sour love song, and these phrases just go over and over for me as I deal with these scraps. I do think that hyper-working in the mundane world became the way I coped with pain in my life from physical pain to emotional, mental and spiritual pains. And maybe that is what the song was about.

I laugh, but its true. I was born to resist a rest. 

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