Rainbow Hare Quilts: MAKING CHRISTMAS, 2013. Week 6.
Its so funny how I keep adding things to make. I am working on the aprons a little at a time and will get them finished quite soon. Here are some pictures of what I finished.
These are holiday mini quilts made with the Disappearing 9-patch. Its such an easy pattern to make these mini quilts. Folks who are getting them say they will be used on their table with either flowers or some sort of centerpiece.
Beige and cream with a green/red on cream.This one is on its way to my friend Staci in IA.
More traditional reds and greens for Dale and Carol in WI.
And one for the boys in the Infant Nursery here in town. I hear from the Instructor that they have a lot of pinks for girlie-grrls and very few boy-themed toys. I have one more to make and then will be finished with this pattern and be moving on to the new Doll Quilt.
I finished the table mat for two and hemmed the table cloth fabric. So happy with how easy it was to make my own holiday decor. AND its one of the rare times I have spent making something for myself.
The list has helped keep my perspective. I have felt a sense of reduced stress over the holiday gifting and a lot of serenity surround me.
Perfectionism places a lot of incredible demand on me to do everything right. One of my therapists asked me if there was a right way to do things, is there also a wrong way to do them. I have learned its a matter of choice. I've used the same pattern to work on these practice pieces and have selected different fabric choices.
Each one of them turned out different from the others and even if they were laid out side by side, I can see the differences as well as the similarities.
From the table mat I learned more about my fabric preferences and how to use them differently. All these small projects are meant to teach me bigger steps. I think I like working with this size because of these lessons. Yes, its less risky. And its less threatening, and more encouraging.
And I am saving the pics for my Swap partner to see first, I did finish her Doll Quilt and the Angel Kitty who went along. I'll have that to post next week after she receives it.
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