Sunday, February 9, 2014

I found a friday button

Quilting teaches me much about myself. Sometimes I think about the people who receive my quilts and there is no way for them to even grasp the value of the work I've put into it as well as what has happened in my soul as I did it. My goal has been to use materials that have been given to me, and the huge part of this is that often they are fabrics I would not chose to purchase.

A lesson here is learning how to make something beautiful out of what I have.

Although I still don't know how to create a blog button that others can link up to, I did find a blog button in the public domain that I can use. Its going to just go up here and if anyone knows how to activate it, message me.

I want to use this button as a reminder to finish at least one thing every Friday and be able to post a pic of it. Its all about my personal sense and need to complete something in the whole WIP of quilting. Last week I really got down on myself for not seeing something. No one was behind me talking about deadlines or projects. It was me. The voice in my head.

I've also gone to the Jinny Byer site for free pattern downloads and printed off a couple. They are simple enough to cut and piece as an addition to the back of Nick's quilt. There are three larger pieces of fabric that were used on the front. Two of them are darker and one is a medium print, so I will vary them as much as possible.

What I am doing now is giving me simple practice in cutting, with chain piecing and all done with accuracy. At least for me, I need the practice pieces so that it all becomes part of body memory.

When I first laid out all this fabric on my floor to make the back, it had not developed into something artful. Now, I am caught up with the evolution of it as a piece unto itself. Both sides will be lovely.

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