Sunday, August 18, 2013

Binding on the Harvest quilt

Wow, this is going to be a very cozy quilt, with only one side flannel. Most of this fabric was given to me. The outer border didn't get much into this pic and after its completely finished with all the loose threads pulled and seams checked, it will get photographed vertically to see how it looks. 

I rather enjoy the hand stitching for the binding and know I am still learning to keep the stitches evenly spaced. Mitered corners aren't aways as easy as one it one time and then woahhhhh.  

Tried to tell Rexie R about the 'pig's snout' on the corners and my camera simply will not keep the corner in close enough focus. When you fold over a corner to miter it, it forms a 'snout hole' in the fold.  You don't want both sides going the same way so they form a complete snout, so the inside fold has to go the other direction.

In other words, one goes left, the other goes right.

I would love to have some sort of pithy comment here but its later in the day and I've been outside up in the mountains, on a deck in the warmth, high altitude and breezes. Who wants to think?  

If anyone has a graphic for this, share it please!

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